Facial Contouring in Evansville, IN

What to Expect from Emface

close-up of a mature female patient receiving an Emface treatment for facial contouring in Evansville, IN

Beauty is more than skin deep, and with Emface, you can reclaim your confidence, naturally. How you feel when you see yourself doesn’t just influence the strength of the most important relationship you have—the one with yourself—but also your professional and personal relationships. 

When you unlock true confidence, your quality of life improves. Don’t just take our word for it; there’s science behind how looking, feeling, and living your best work together. 

And that rule doesn’t stop applying once you’ve hit a certain age.

At Bella Vi Spa & Aesthetics, we’re giving you your power back by restoring your youthful features on your terms. Here’s what to expect when you come to our luxurious, physician-led medical spa for Emface, a revolutionary approach to facial contouring in Evansville, IN. 

What is Emface?

Emface has revolutionized anti-aging, offering seamless but noticeable skin enhancement by combining proven rejuvenation techniques. This unique, needle-free facelift alternative gives you the power to rebuild your skin, naturally, by combining two energy forms: RF and HIFES.

Radiofrequency (RF) energy gently raises the temperature of your dermis (the middle layer of skin). This “heat shock” sets off your body’s alarm system, triggering collagen production. As the building blocks of your skin, collagen proteins provide your skin’s internal framework. As your body continues to produce more collagen—even after your Emface treatment—your skin repairs itself over time. 

Meanwhile, we use high-intensity electromagnetic therapy (HIFES) to induce over 75,000 muscle contractions in a single Emface session. This doesn’t just give you that youthful, lifted look, but it also strengthens your facial muscles by exercising them. There are no artificial elements, so there’s no need to fear looking “overdone” or “frozen.” Retraining specific muscle groups returns your natural features to their original position, so you can look like yourself, only younger and more refreshed. 

The best part—this process is painless. 

What causes skin aging?

Wisdom may come with age, but sadly, so do wrinkles, volume loss, and sagging skin. Aging doesn’t discriminate, even affecting younger individuals prematurely when they expose their skin to harmful elements like the sun, smoking, and pollution. 

These less-than-ideal habits, as well as time and gravity, gradually break down your skin’s elastin fibers that give it the ability to stretch. Meanwhile, your body also starts to produce 1.5% less collagen—proteins that act as your skin’s building blocks—every year starting in your 20s. 

Without an ample amount of these natural resources, your skin’s internal framework weakens. Your skin can’t “bounce” back into place, so every movement leaves its mark—deepening a bit more every time and eventually causing sagging or “laxity.” Your facial muscles also lose strength over time, causing you to lose your voluminous “baby face” and develop more hollow features or facial asymmetry. 

That’s where Emface facial contouring in Evansville, IN, comes in. 


85% of people admit that their wrinkles make them feel less attractive. We get it—not everyone’s ready to commit to the cost, risks, and downtime of surgery. That’s how Emface has changed the game—without so much as a needle. 

How Emface Treats Wrinkles

By boosting your skin’s collagen and elastin supply through RF energy, Emface gives your skin the power to rebuild itself

Can Botox do the same thing?


Wrinkle relaxers like Botox can also relax (and prevent) wrinkles, but they work differently than Emface. These injectable formulas limit specific muscle movements. By stopping wrinkle-causing expressions, they smooth away lines. 

While Botox may offer more immediate results than Emface, keep in mind that injections require more maintenance and do not address volume loss. However, you can always combine Emface with Botox…

Sagging and Volume Loss

Just like your favorite sweater’s fibers loosen a bit more with every wear, your skin’s fibers loosen over time. Like a balloon deflating, your skin starts to sag when it loses the volume that once filled it out. Losing weight can also lead to sagging, also known as skin laxity, which can overpower your fitness progress.  

How Emface Treats Sagging and Volume Loss

Thanks to Emface, surgery isn’t your only option. By working the muscle groups in your cheek and forehead through HIFES, Emface tightens and builds your facial muscles to provide a natural lift. 

Meanwhile, RF energy boosts collagen and elastin levels, giving your skin the tools to reclaim its strength—looking and feeling tighter and firmer. This dual approach works on multiple layers of tissues simultaneously. While thickening and lifting the muscles in the dermis (the middle layer), we send protein “building blocks” to the dermis to rebuild your epidermis (the surface). 

Keep in mind that topical collagen products simply can’t provide the same results. Collagen molecules are too large to reach beyond your skin’s surface and reach the dermis—where it needs to be to work. 

Can Exion do the same thing?

Exion, which combines RF microneedling with ultrasound technology, combats sagging (among other skin concerns) by boosting your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid levels. We may recommend Exion over Emface—or a combination of both—for patients struggling with more localized “problem areas,” as Emface is best for overall facial rejuvenation. 

However, Exion does not use HIFES, so it does not tone your facial muscles like Emface facial contouring in Evansville, IN.

Can dermal fillers do the same thing?

Dermal fillers are injectables that work to restore lost volume, and they’re typically a gel-like substance based in hyaluronic acid. While fillers can help you enhance more specific features however you see fit—like volumizing your lips or re-shaping your side profile—Emface restores your natural youthful volume. 

1. Finding the Right Provider for Facial Contouring

In Evansville, IN, there are a lot of medical spas, and they aren’t all equal. At Bella Vi Spa & Aesthetics, our team boasts over 72 years of combined healthcare experience. Dr. Goodman oversees every treatment—whether it be Emface, body contouring, or a HydraFacial in Nashville—so rest assured that you’re in the best hands. 

Read Our Reviews

2. Scheduling a Consultation

We never dive into treatment without taking the time to sit down with you beforehand, so our experts can tailor our approach to your specific needs. During your consultation, we’ll openly discuss your concerns, goals, timeline, budget, and medical history, working together to build your custom plan for skin rejuvenation in Evansville, IN.

3. Your Emface Treatments

When you arrive at our upscale office for your Emface appointment, we’ll guide you to a private, luxurious treatment room before answering your questions. Here’s a peek at our space ↓

Once you’re comfortable, a licensed professional will apply the Emface applicators to your forehead, cheeks, and or chin. When we power on the device, you may notice some warmth and feel your muscles contracting, but we’ll closely monitor your responses to ensure your comfort. 

Feel free to rest, catch up on emails, or bring a book to entertain yourself for the next 20 minutes! Once your session for facial contouring in Evansville, IN, is complete, we’ll simply remove the applicators and you can get back to your day. 

4. Maintaining Your Results

Most patients achieve the best results after a series of 4 sessions, each spaced about a week apart, of facial contouring in Evansville, IN. However, this timeline may vary depending on your situation. 

While you may notice some improvements after your first session, remember that Emface works by harnessing your body’s natural powers. This means that your results will continue to develop over time. Just like working out in the gym, seeing the best results from facial exercises takes some consistency. Luckily, Emface speeds up this process. 

Similarly, maintaining your muscles’ strength isn’t a one-time thing. Most patients opt for annual Emface “touch-ups,” but you can always schedule a session whenever you notice the effects starting to wear off. 

Upgrading Your Skincare Routine

Our routines are what define us as people, and the same goes for your skincare routine defining your skin. Just because skincare products claim to work doesn’t mean they do.

There’s science to skin care. 

If you’re looking to level up your at-home routine and take your in-office treatments even further, it’s time to invest in medical-grade skin care. Unlike drugstore products, these formulas contain high levels of pure active ingredients, and they’ve undergone clinical trials. 

Only a licensed provider can sell professional-grade products. When you come to Bella Vi Spa & Aesthetics, you unlock expert guidance—no need for guesswork or wandering drugstore aisles. 

Shop Skin Care

Ready to reclaim your youth?

You deserve to love your skin at every age. Change may be inevitable, but thanks to our revolutionary solutions like facial contouring in Evansville, IN, you don’t have to simply accept the changes you aren’t so fond of.

At Bella Vi Spa & Aesthetics, we’re helping you become the best version of yourself—whatever that means for you. That’s why your consultation is the crucial first step, as there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to looking and feeling your best. 

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

We’re constantly raising the bar for skin rejuvenation in Franklin, TN—both for our patients and physicians in the industry—with our revolutionary solutions. Our in-house experts carefully customize each of our science-backed approaches, from facial contouring in Franklin, TN, to microneedling in Franklin, TN, around your goals. 

Need help narrowing down your best options? Use our treatment planning tool to get personalized treatment plans delivered to your inbox. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions—that’s what we’re here for!

Remember to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to unlock more exclusive insights. 






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